Fly Fishing Women of Mn held our annual Spring meeting May 26, 2016 at the Urban Growler Brewery in St. Paul. 19 members attended of which 25% were new members. It was a great time to socialize, meet new folks and”]
Fly Fishing Women of Mn held our annual Spring meeting May 26, 2016 at the Urban Growler Brewery in St. Paul. 19 members attended of which 25% were new members. It was a great time to socialize, meet new folks and”]
On February 27, several members from FFWMN, two gals from a Wisconsin TU group, and Trouts[/caption]
Stay tuned for any changes and Rapids MN.
July ? Bass Fishing outing, location to be determined
Summer Fishing around Town, various locations organized by members (please volunteer to host an evening)
There was a full house with 12 of us at the Romance Valley Retreat near Viroqua, Wisconsin for a weekend of fly fishing the first weekend in June. We carpooled from the Cities to a rented vacation house near miles of incredible trout streams in the Driftless Region of Wisconsin. Everyone brought their own equipment and I’ll post them.