Dakota County Parks Classes

Members of the club taught two fly fishing classes for Dakota County Parks and May. One was the two-day Fly Fishing Workshop held April 7 & 14 from 6 to 8 pm at the Lebanon Hills Visitor Center. The other was Fly Fishing for Women held on Saturday, May 9 from 10 AM to noon, also at Lebanon Hills Visitor Center. Check out the classes Dakota County Parks offer if you are interested for next spring.

Majoring in Fly Fishing?

Members of Fly Fishing Women of Minnesota provided some fly fishing instruction to a January Term class from Gustavus Adolphus College. The class, Minnesota Aquatic Stewardship, taught by Biology Instructor Eric Elias, included basic fly fishing and in the stream. Professor Elias felt women added a unique flavor to fly fishing so asked for participation from club members. We happily agreed to do it again next year!

Ellen & her Gustavus student